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Getting started

  • 1Install Tailwind CSS

    Install tailwindcss and its peer dependencies via npm.

    npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
  • 2Install the Framework

    Install @g-loot/css-framework via npm.

    npm install @g-loot/css-framework
  • 3Import the CSS

    Import the Framework CSS into your project stylesheet.

    @import "@g-loot/css-framework/styles/globals.css";
  • 4Adapt webpack

    Add postcss-loader to webpack.config.js.

    module: {
     rules: [
     test: /\.(css)$/,
     use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'postcss-loader'],
  • 5Import & adapt the config file

    Import the framework config into your project tailwind.config.js and indicate which files Tailwind should scan.

    const tailwindConfig = require('@g-loot/css-framework/tailwind.config');
    module.exports = {
     content: [

Check this example setup of the Stryda Framework and Tailwind CSS on React (webpack).

React (Webpack)